There is a technical issue with the stream this week and there will be no stream, apologies.
The Sunday Service website is going to cease to operate for the live streaming of services from the end of August. As we have a number of people away during August, we have decided that we will stop streaming at the end of July. We’re thinking about whether we should try to restart live streaming from a different website after the summer, try something different or stop altogether. If you have any thoughts, we’d love to hear from you. Contact the Circuit Office (Email circuitoffice@altrinchammethodistcircuit.org.uk)
There is a technical issue with the stream this week and there will be no stream, apologies.
The Sunday Service website is going to cease to operate for the live streaming of services from the end of August. As we have a number of people away during August, we have decided that we will stop streaming at the end of July. We’re thinking about whether we should try to restart live streaming from a different website after the summer, try something different or stop altogether. If you have any thoughts, we’d love to hear from you. Contact the Circuit Office (Email circuitoffice@altrinchammethodistcircuit.org.uk)
SUNDAY - Services are streamed live, here at 10.30am.
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